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JumpServer port discription

List of Network Ports

JumpServer requires the following network ports to be open for proper operation. Administrators can open the appropriate ports in the network and on the host depending on the deployment scheme of JumpServer components.

Port Purpose Description
22 SSH Installation, updates, and management
80 Web HTTP Service Access to the JumpServer web interface via HTTP
443 Web HTTPS Service Access to the JumpServer web interface via HTTPS
3306 Database Service Used by MySQL
6379 Database Service Used by Redis
3389 Razor Service Port Connection to Windows assets via RDP Client
2222 SSH Client Connection to JumpServer via terminal tools (Xshell, PuTTY, etc.)
33061 Magnus MySQL Service Port Connection to MySQL via DB Client
33062 Magnus MariaDB Service Port Connection to MariaDB via DB Client
54320 Magnus PostgreSQL Port Connection to PostgreSQL via DB Client
63790 Magnus Redis Port Connection to Redis via DB Client
30000-30100 Magnus Oracle Ports Connection to Oracle via DB Client, port range can be configured