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JumpServer port discription
List of Network Ports JumpServer requires the following network ports to be open for proper operation. Administrators can open the appropriate ports in the network and on the host depending on the deployment scheme of JumpServer components. Port Purpo...
Installing SSL Certificates and Configuring HTTPS
What is the Purpose of JumpServer Reverse Proxy? Nginx supports secure WebSockets (wss://), managing connections and securing the channel with an SSL certificate. To enable the copy-paste functionality in the RDP protocol, a trusted SSL certificate must be de...
HAProxy configuration for JumpServer HA-cluster
HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) — is an open-source software tool used for load balancing and traffic proxying at the network protocol level, typically employed to distribute traffic across multiple servers. It is one of the most popular solutions for enhanc...
Getting Started Guide for JumpServer PoC
Adding Devices 1. Preparation Prepare two devices (for SSH and RDP) and one database to test the product features. For example: IP/Host Name Port Type Account afidc.afi.local 3389 Windows testadmin 22 Linux sergg ...
Active Directory synchronization with AD groups
Configuring Integration with Active Directory 1. Go to "System settings" - "Auth" and select the LDAP tab. 2. Enter the LDAP server address, an account for connection, and its password. 3. Specify the OU and user search filter. See an example of a filter fo...
Command filter configuration for SSH and database queries
Command ACL Configuration 1. Go to the "Console - Policies - ACLs - Command filter" section and open the "Command Group" tab. 2. Click the "Create" button, enter a name for the list, such as "Common high-risk commands", and fill in the list with the required...
How to enable 2FA(TOTP) auth
In the Community Edition, two-factor authentication via TOTP (Google Authenticator) is available. To enable it, go to System setting - Security - Auth Security. The Global MFA auth parameter allows you to disable two-factor authentication or enable it for all...
Installing OpenSSH for account management for Windows
Why Install OpenSSH on Windows Devices? OpenSSH on Windows is used for gathering system information, rotating passwords for local Windows accounts, and automatically creating local accounts.If you only need to connect via RDP without managing accounts, OpenSS...
Syslog configuration
1. Modifying the JumpServer Configuration File The configuration files for JumpServer are located at: /opt/jumpserver/config/config.txt The following elements need to be added to the JumpServer configuration: # Syslog Configuration SYSLOG_ENABLE=true SYSL...
RemoteApp configuration for application publishing
Note: The Community Edition supports only the HTTP application publishing mode. RemoteApp is the publication of applications on Microsoft RDS. To use it, you need a Windows Server with configured RDS (RemoteApp). JumpServer can connect to applications publish...
How to configure access to asset web-interface, HTTP session configuration
To connect to target systems via HTTP, you need to configure browser publishing via Panda (Linux-based application publishing server) or RDS (RemoteApp). RDS (RemoteApp) configuration instructions. Creating a "Website" Type Device Go to the "Console - Asse...
Setting up Panda for application publishing(alternative to RemoteApp)
JumpServer supports using both Windows Server and Linux as application publishing machines, such as for publishing Chrome and Firefox browsers for HTTP sessions and various database clients. Types of Application Publishing: Microsoft RemoteApp: A method of p...
How to check system status and container logs
JumpServer is installed as a set of Docker containers performing various functions. To check the state of the containers, log in to the server where JumpServer is installed and enter the following command: # docker ps -a All containers in the list should ...
Custome Applet structure for RemoteApp
What is an applet? An applet is a set of files that describe the process of installing and launching an application on Microsoft RDS via RemoteApp. This is necessary for JumpServer to initiate an access session to this application, automatically log in, and h...
Руководство по проведению пилотного проекта
Здесь собраны ссылки на основные настройки, которые помогут начать пилотный проект или внедрение системы. Установка JumpServer: Установка JumpServer Enteprise Edition Описание и инструкция по установке HA кластера Системные настройки: Интеграция с Active D...
Описание и пример настройки HA-кластера JumpServer
JumpServer (в том числе Community Edition) полностью поддерживает кластеризацию HA без каких-либо ограничений. В этой статье я покажу, как это работает. Зачем нужен HA-кластер для JumpServer HA (High Availability) кластер для JumpServer необходим для обеспеч...
Как установить верные дату и время в JumpServer?
По умолчанию JumpServer устанавливается с часовым поясом Asia/Shanghai, из-за чего в различных журналах системы отображается неверное время. Решение: 1. Установите актуальное время и часовой пояс на ОС, где установлен JumpServer Важно, чтобы верно было не т...
JumpServer HA-cluster configuration
JumpServer (including Community Edition) fully supports HA clustering without any restrictions. In this article, I will show how it works. Why is an HA cluster needed for JumpServer An HA (High Availability) cluster for JumpServer is necessary to ensure high...